Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A few weeks of ups and downs

Sorry I haven't been as active as I could be. Right now I recovering from a knee injury. Unfortunately that injury has caused some problems for me in my 'real' job since I'm not supposed to be stair climbing. Unfortunately my office is upstairs and that well...kind of makes it hard for me to do that job.

In more pleasant news, I am currently in New Jersey hanging out with a friend and just relaxing a bit. I just purchased a new journal, however this one is not the normal one. It's one for complaining about the stupidity of the human race. It fits right in with my warped sense of humor.

Also, while I'm out here, I'm hitting up the local book stores and handing out my business cards. Surprisingly I handed my card out today and I should be getting a packet in the mail to hopefully start selling it in the store. :) We shall see where this goes, but I'm willing to give anything a shot.

I'm sure I'll have more to tell when I get back from my cross-country adventure. Until then, keep your eyes peeled.



  1. Go to Books a Million and Barnes and Noble! That way I can get some extra copies for my family without paying for shipping. :P

    1. Actually I did go to Books a Million today. That was the book store I hit up. Barnes and Noble will be tomorrow. Although I'm sure you can order the paperback at your local Barnes and Noble and get it sent to their store. The hardcover is going to take awhile since I have to 'approve' the damn proof.

  2. Lol. Well, at least it's in the process. =D
