Thursday, September 27, 2012

Contest has ended

I would like to say congratulations to the five people who won the free giveaway contest for Cursed and the Damned. I hope you all enjoy the book. For everyone else, thank you for your interest. If you are still interested in the book, don't hesitate to visit my website and click on the links on the right hand side to see where you can purchase the book.

Thank you all again!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The time is nigh for the end of the contest....

Well the end of my first giveaway is near. I wish all of those who entered the best of luck in getting a free copy of Cursed and the Damned. For those of you who don't get the free copy, and from the looks of it there will be many of you, please don't hesitate to check out my website for places you can go to purchase the book. There is a hard cover and Kindle version as well as the paperback. Regardless I hope everyone enjoys the book and would be kind enough to give me a review either on Goodreads, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Again, Good luck to all who entered or will enter in the last day or so!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Progress is being made.

Well I came back to New Jersey even though I really didn't want to. Recently I just started an advertising campaign on Facebook, so hopefully that will generate a little buzz.

My leg is still messed up a little bit and that is giving me a little more time to write during the day. That's a happy thing because we might see a sequel sometime soon. I'm just getting to the part that I really want to write. So this should come along rather quickly...with time out to promote Cursed and the Damned.

With that said, I'm off to write some of the sequel.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A few weeks of ups and downs

Sorry I haven't been as active as I could be. Right now I recovering from a knee injury. Unfortunately that injury has caused some problems for me in my 'real' job since I'm not supposed to be stair climbing. Unfortunately my office is upstairs and that well...kind of makes it hard for me to do that job.

In more pleasant news, I am currently in New Jersey hanging out with a friend and just relaxing a bit. I just purchased a new journal, however this one is not the normal one. It's one for complaining about the stupidity of the human race. It fits right in with my warped sense of humor.

Also, while I'm out here, I'm hitting up the local book stores and handing out my business cards. Surprisingly I handed my card out today and I should be getting a packet in the mail to hopefully start selling it in the store. :) We shall see where this goes, but I'm willing to give anything a shot.

I'm sure I'll have more to tell when I get back from my cross-country adventure. Until then, keep your eyes peeled.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

A 'Labor' of love from me to you.

Well, my knee is having some sort of problem, which sucks because having pain is pretty crappy. However, it's the weekend, which means I get to work on my books!

Also, a friend of mine who purchased the book told me what I wanted to hear. He got caught up in Cursed and the Damned.  That's the whole idea! I love getting enveloped in books and drawn in. Well since he got drawn in, it means I did my job! ;)

Now I have a labor day special going on. It starts tonight at Midnight and ends when Labor Day does, but if you have a Kindle and would like to download my book for free, now is the time to do it! Let your friends know as well. It's a great opportunity to read the book for free!

Happy Labor Day!
