Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New cover art!

Well here it is for all of you to see. I have new artwork from Ron! Here are two new drawings to take a gander at.
The first one is a combination of the first round of cover art, It's what I decided on, with a little bit extra added. Note the 'cape' that Atraiu is's not quite a cape. Also it seems Davali has a little extra himself..

The second piece of art is the same idea, just a change in composition. you can also see a slight bit of detail about the 'cape' Of course since these are roughs, there will be more detail later on, but...we'll just have to wait for the final.

On that note, my decision on the final has been made and I went with the first picture. So be prepared to see the next stage of this process soon!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Facebook page

For those of you who read my blog, I have started up a page on Facebook for Cursed and the Damned. Hopefully you all will join if you are truly interested. Thanks for the support.


Still here

Wow, well it's been awhile. Yes, I'm still here and yes I'm still writing, however you know how life is and I haven't had much to report. I do have some bad news however. My laptop finally died...only took it about 5 years, but the hard drive finally died. Alas there goes the computer that helped me put together some of my best work...and some of my money come income tax time. (Yay for buying a new one)

I do have some good news though, but that can wait until another day...most likely tomorrow after my headache goes away and I write a little more coherently.
