Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Book Update!

Well folks, here's the skinny on the latest. I have proceeded to throw the wood and the kindling under Mr. Lim and am still awaiting the rough of the book cover. Tonight's big milestone is that low and behold I have an ISBN for the book! With that in place, I can finally wrap up the innards of Cursed and the Damned! The only thing that is holding this back now is the art, but I know that ALL great things take time, so here's to hoping and waiting!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Artwork soon?

I contacted Mr. Lim last week and he said he would have the rough for Cursed and the Damned sometime this week. I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to bring to the table. I'm really looking forward to getting this book out too. One step at a time. I just hope everything goes according to schedule, but I know life might get in the way. Still I'm aiming for the beginning of the year.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Whoa it's been awhile

Greetings all from the 'Garden State'. I'm here in New Jersey on vacation and I finally have time to write in my blog. Things have been hectic for me the past few weeks with the horrors of work, but at least with this little vacation I can get a little time to myself and think. Alas, I haven't done any work on a project of my own, but I have helped my friend Ralph who works at Marvel Comics with something.

I'm sure you all know that there are times you can feel burnt out on anything! Sometime you just have to step away and look at things with fresh eyes. Well he kind of like that with his job and that nothing new and exciting was happening when it came to work. I understand how that feels as most of you do as well. Can you believe that a simple idea that came to me when I was tired might have been the thing that got the passion and drive back into him? I love how my best thoughts come when I'm tired. :D

I'm not going to say what the idea was, just in case it's something that might actually go somewhere for them, but it was so simple and at the same time opened up so many possibilities. I just hope the rest of the people at Marvel like the idea as well. It's possible that it might go somewhere and really shake things up.

Hopefully soon I will have more info on my own projects, but it's nice to help others out as well.