Monday, October 22, 2012

Reflections of Reviews

Well it has been a while since my last post, but I don't really have that much to say. I wish I could say that my book sale were through the roof, but alas I don't think they ever will be. I did recently get my first negative review for Cursed and the Damned and surprisingly it didn't phase me much. If you'd love to see it just type in the book name on and you can read it there.
I don't expect everyone to like it or the writing style, that's how this 'business' works. I just hope that the people who do read it and enjoy it recommend it to others. You can't please everyone in the writing business, but those you do please will be fans for life and those are the people that we, as writers, write for.

Also, to those who have or will read it, please let your real feelings be voiced. Good or bad I really want to hear it.
