Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Update time

Well, here I am again. This time I am here to report that the website is up and running fully. You should be able to locate it by typing in my name to your search engine. So that is a plus. Second of all, since Wondercon is over, I should (hopefully) be getting my pencils done for the book cover and hopefully I can have it sent over and colored (and with luck finished) by Comic-Con. I'd like to pick up the main artwork then.
Alas this is taking far longer than I would have liked, but all good things come to those who wait. I just keep thinking...soon.

My work continues on the sequel to Cursed and the Damned. During my low times during the work day, aka my lunch, I am going through the chapters and editing/re-writing things before I move on to the 'fun' part of the book in my opinion.

That's one thing I love about projects is the fact that there are parts that 'have to' be done and then there are the parts that you just can't wait to get to. Those are the parts that make the process worth while and hopefully those are the parts that you the reader enjoy as well.

Keep your eyes peeled folks there maybe something new coming in the near future. You'll just have to stay tuned until then.